How the snowy sheath-bill adapts and what color it is and the difference of its feet
The snowy sheath-bill is the only antarctic bird that does not have webbed feet so it can not hunt like other birds that is why they are scavengers and a kleptoparasite.The feet of the snowy sheath-bill are light pink, and have clause on them. It is pure white so that they can camouflage in the snow, except for it's pink face.
some times only use one foot to keep there body warmth. and mostly hop. Because they only use one foot it also lands on one foot so there is a lot of crash landings.
The snowy sheath-bill is white except for its pink face.

The feet of the snowy sheath-bill are dark brown and have clause on them.
A snowy sheath-bill walking around in the snow by him self.